Elements of Weekly Activism Log for Service Learning
You may Begin posting your weekly activism log entries this week. See syllabus for exact dates and the number of required posts. Limit weekly entries to 500 words. Divide your weekly log into three sections.
1. Activism: What happened this week? What kind of contact did you have with your community partner? What were your successes? What were your pitfalls? What do you think should be done next week to help you complete your project?
2. Reflection: How does the activism you’ve done this week relate to material we have discussed in class? How have the week’s events influenced way you view women's leadership? What do you believe is your community partner’s view of these issues? This is your opportunity to reflect on the impact your activism is making—on you and on the community. Connect what is happening to your growing academic knowledge in this course by incorporating the evidence from the text using MLA citation style.
3. Reciprocity: Remember that Service Learning is not a one way street.You are not simply giving something to the community partner. Think about what you personally are getting in return. How might this be defined from a feminist perspective?
While your Weekly Activism Log is a way for you to document and reflect on your activism and progress, it is most definitely not an outlet for aggression. The writing and reflection you do in your log should be constructive, and though you should include problems and setbacks (if there are any) please do so in a productive fashion—this is not an opportunity to rant, but rather an opportunity to reflect. Reflection is what transforms experience into learning. Finally, this log is a good resource for developing your final reflection paper due at the end of this course.